The employees at our Eugene location choose a local charity to receive a portion of the profits from each fire extinguisher annual service (walk-ins and on-location) performed at our Eugene branch in December.
In 2014, Bags of Love, an organization in Lane County that provides necessities and comfort items to children who are in crisis due to neglect, abuse, poverty or homelessness, was chosen to receive $735 through the December Giving program.

For 2015, National Fire Fighter Corp. has chosen Courageous Kids to receive these funds. Courageous Kids provides grief support for children and teens (ages 6–18) and their caregivers of whom a loved one has died. The work that Courageous Kids does is close to the hearts of many National Fire Fighter Corp. employees. Our employees are proud to help support the Courageous Kids weekly support groups, summer camp and theatre troup.
December is an excellent time to have your fire extinguishers evaluated and serviced if you have not done so in the past year. According to the National Fire Protection Association, in 2005-2009, U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated annual average of 240 home structure fires that began with Christmas trees. Home Christmas tree fires caused an average of 13 civilian deaths, 27 civilian injuries, and $16.7 million in direct property damage per year. Holiday lights and other decorative lighting with line voltage were involved in an estimated average of 150 home structure fires per year in this same period. These fires caused an average of eight civilian deaths, 14 civilian injuries, and $8.5 million in direct property damage per year.
To find your nearest fire extinguisher service location, click here. Each branch location is open Monday-Friday 8am-5pm.