Did you take an amazing photo this (or a previous) fire season? This year, we are offering you the chance to share your unique view of wildland firefighting with our large customer base. We would love to feature your fire photos in our catalog, on our website and in other materials.

Submit your best high resolution fire photos for use in our catalog,
in advertising and on our website.
If your photo is chosen, you will receive:
- One $200 National Fire Fighter Wildland Corp. gift certificate if used on our catalog cover
- One $50 National Fire Fighter Wildland Corp. gift certificate if used inside our catalog and/or in other materials
- National exposure in our Wildland Fire Equipment Catalog, Advertising, Website or other materials with Photo Credit
Entrants must be the sole owner of the copyright of any image submitted.
Digital photographs must be high resolution (at least 300 DPI), miminum 3 mexapixels. *If emailing photos from your iPhone, select the "Actual Size" option.
By submitting photographs, you are granting National Fire Fighter Wildland Corp. permission to publish submitted photographs in our catalog, in advertising, on our website and for other purposes.
Each entry submitted should include full name, email address (to receive gift certificate), phone number, agency, fire department or other affiliation, name of fire, place of fire, date of fire.
One gift certificate per selected/utilized photo.
Email your photos to info@nationalfirefighter.com.
*National Fire Fighter Corp. reserves the right to use photo(s) other than those submitted in the fire photo contest on the cover of the Wildland Fire Equipment Catalog.